How to write good Essay Questions
Essay questions - you either love them or you hate them. There is no in between! These require written responses, which can consist of a few short paragraphs to thousands of words.
Also known as: long answer, open ended, subjective
Use Essay Questions to Assess:
- Comprehension of material learned
- Writing skills
- Evaluation
- Analysis
- User's ability to organize facts and ideas
- Vocabulary
- Problem Solving
Question Usage Ideas:
- Gain Feedback
- Gather information
- Comparison of two items
- Discussion
Advantages of Essay Questions:
- Test takers can elaborate and provide detailed answers
- Test takers are not able to guess and select an answer
- Can review individualized responses from each user
- Can be used for all types of subjects
- Takes less time to create questions
Disadvantages of Essay Questions:
- Takes longer to grade on paper
- Graded manually online
- Take longer to answer
- Can be graded unfairly
- Questions can be read differently resulting in not being able to answer correctly
- Will not cover as much varied content in a Test as other question types
- A user's writing skills could affect what they are trying to express
Tips for creating Essay Questions
- Only add a few essay questions per Test
- Keep essay questions per Test specific to one or two topics
- Ask the question in your own words
- Leave opinions at home when grading
- Inform users ahead of time of how grading will be completed
- Provide customized feedback per student
- Make the question clear
- Use directives such as “Compare”, “Identify”, “Explain”, “Describe”, “Define”
- Show the points an essay questions is worth.
- Provide instructions on how in depth and detailed you want in an answer.

Become a ClassMarker Guru: Pro Tips
Essay Question Features in
You're a Pro if You Know:
- After grading essay Questions, Test scores will be automatically adjusted
- You can add custom feedback for both correct/incorrect answers
- How to give individualized feedback per essay question per user
- Essay Questions are manually graded