Creating exams with ClassMarker

Effortless exam authoring and optimal user experience.

Question Types for Every Assessment

ClassMarker enables you to create a diverse range of question types to suit all your assessment needs, including multiple choice, multiple response, true/false, short answer, essay, survey, and more.

Save time with Question Banks

Organize your Question Bank using Categories, ideal for creating tests with randomly selected questions.

Randomization ensures a unique set of questions for each test, enhancing both personalization and exam integrity.

Question Bank Time-Saving Features:

  • Reusing questions across multiple exams
  • Edit a question once, and the changes apply to all tests using that question
  • Creating exams with randomly selected questions from your Question Bank
  • Archiving unused questions to remove them from all tests immediately

Enhance testing with Rich Media integration

Improve learning outcomes by integrating rich media into your questions, introductions, answers, and feedback.

Our Rich Text Editor allows you to format introductions, questions, and feedback to create professional, visually engaging exams. Enhance your exams by uploading files, images, videos, and audio, or embed YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud directly into your questions. Add external links and resources to further enrich the assessment experience.

Matching question type

Flexible Grading Options

ClassMarker offers flexible grading options, including full or partial points, to accommodate different assessment needs. This is crucial when multiple correct answers exist or when some questions are more challenging and deserve higher scores.

Traditional Grading:
For questions with one correct answer. Full points for correct answers, zero for incorrect ones.

Partial Grading:
Award partial credit for multiple-answer questions. For example:

  • Full points for all correct answers and zero points for any incorrect answers
  • Partial points for each correct answer with no deductions for incorrect answers
  • Partial points for each correct answer with deductions for each incorrect answer

Manual Essay Question Grading:
Essay questions require individual grading, as there are no predetermined correct answers.

Enhanced Exam Feedback for Better Learning

  • Customize feedback during and after the test, including scores, percentages, and personalized messages.
  • Choose to display only incorrectly answered questions or reveal the correct answers.
  • Show results by category to indicate the percentage of correct answers within each category.

Experience the convenience and efficiency of ClassMarker’s comprehensive exam creation tools. Start transforming your assessments today!

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