Customise Exam Introduction

Collect information before the start of the test

User information

Extra intro questions

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ClassMarker's enhanced flexibility allows you to gather necessary data from your test takers and create positive exam experiences by adding clear instructions and essential materials.

Explore our efficient, easy settings below:

User information

Record and store basic information for each of your test users. Remember, ClassMarker is GDPR and CCPA-compliant, which means that you can create custom online assessments safe in the knowledge that all your data is private. Contact us for a copy of our Data Protection Agreement.

Extra intro questions

You have the flexibility to ask any additional information questions before a user takes your test. You can ask for course ID, employee ID, work department, etc.

Make each of these questions optional or mandatory to suit - you''re in the driving seat. You can also export these information answers along with the user's test results - no mixing up results and users.

Finally, dynamic answers mean that information collected can be used on certificates.

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Create the best experiences for your users by giving them pre-test instructions and additional documents they need to remove confusion and give them the best chance of success.

Learn more about how to use ClassMarker's flexible features in our step by step tutorials.

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for 30 days and start creating exams today.


Can I ask additional questions before the start of a test?

Yes. Additional questions allow you to gather data from your users that are not part of that test's content. This data can provide you with valuable insight about your users' characteristics. You can make these questions mandatory or optional. They can include:

  • Demographic information such as age, gender, employment status, education level, etc.,
  • For on-going job training, questions can be related to which department people belong to or which courses they have completed or wish to take, or even employee feedback.
  • For pre-employment testing, you can use these questions for asking how a candidate found out about the job opportunity, qualifying experience, job being sought after, etc.,
  • For exams given to students, use these for questions such as asking what students hope to get from their participation in the exam or quiz, perhaps feedback for any concerns/difficulties they are currently having and so on.

How secure are tests created in ClassMarker?

ClassMarker tests are very secure. You can include password-protection to deliver secure exams, tests and training to your users. All data is hosted in a 24/7, high security data centre to ensure the highest level of security for your data. All passwords are fully encrypted when stored in our system.

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